Minimum wage inflames TC unions

By Kyriacos Kiliaris The Turkish Cypriot Social Security and Labour office has announced that the minimum wage in the north will rise from 2,020 Turkish Lira to 2,175 (€524), amid heavy criticism that the increase is not enough. Unions in the north are in uproar over the 155 TL increase, as they are also claiming that the “minimum wage does not comply with the relative minimum wage regulation in the north”. They are protesting the fact that the minimum wage is set according to the fluctuations in the cost of living, whereas regulations state that the minimum wage should be set in a way to meet the needs of a four-member family. The minimum wage in the north is far from complying with the above. After taxes, a worker on a minimum wage is left with the equivalent of €459, with rents starting from €220. If one adds electricity and water bills and food expenses, they are left with a very dark picture. Murat Kanatli, the head of the New Cyp...