Demo for the opening of the Dherynia crossing point

The Famagusta Initiative and the Famagusta Our Town organization are to hold a demonstration demanding the opening of the Famagusta Dherynia crossing point. The two groups held a press conference on Tuesday ath the House for Cooperation in the buffer zone to make a call to people from both sides of the divide to participate in the demonstration on Saturday 31 st March at 10 am at the Dherynia crossing point. Speaking on behalf of the Famagusta Initiative, Dr. Okan Da ğlı resembled Famagusta with a body that has been cut in half with one side of being lifeless. “This is something that we cannot approve of nor accept” he continued. Dr. Dağlı while putting forward the demand for the immediate opening of the crossing point called for “the opening of all roads and crossing points which will unite us”. Speaking on behalf of the Famagusta Our Town Organisation, Pavlos Iakovou said that their aim is to create “a homeland in which people will be able to feel that they a...